ANGLE is the internal angle of a face corner.
EDGE is a straight line between two points, often the boundary line between two faces.
EDGE GROUPS have similar length.
FACE is a convex polygon defining a plane. When sorted, the internal angles begin with the smallest and continue CCW.
FACE GROUPS have similar area, and internal angle list.
GEODESIC is a structure where all major points lie on the surface of a sphere. The Delaunay triangle faces inscribe the sphere. Voronoi polygon faces circumscribe the sphere.
GROUP is a collection of hubs, faces, or lines with similar geometry, sorted in an increasing order. The collection indicates how many in each group to be made.
HUB is a point, viewed as the hub of a spoked wheel. When sorted, the face angles begin with the smallest, and continue CCW around the hub.
HUB GROUPS have the same number of spokes, and face angle lists.
POINT is a point on the surface of the sphere.
VERTEX is a point where two or more edges meet. Vertex is a face corner.
SPOKE is an edge containing a hub point.
SPHERICAL POINT is a point on the sphere's surface
VORONOI faces are tangent to the sphere at its central point, and contain the area which is closer to its central point than all other points. Voronoi faces are computed from Delaunay triangles by using each Delaunay point as the central point of a Voronoi face.
DELAUNAY TRIANGULATION is a method of connecting points with edges to the nearest neighbor points, trying to make triangles which are equilateral as possible
An American-born Mechanical Engineer who surfed both the programming waves and the ocean waves. With a passion for geometry and physics. Designed, built and drove a rocket-fuel motorcycle achieving 133 Miles per hour in the quarter-mile drag strip. Started programming with embedded logic in machinery - Flat-bed plotter, printed circit board drilling machine, Vending Machine, School alarm system, calculator, Mass spectrometer, lifting mechanism. Developed the world's fastest assembler (with Roger Knobbe). Developed part of the EPLRS military radio system. Married an Australian. Designed and built Houses and tubular domes.
Authored the website.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Registered Professional Engineer Queensland
Building Designers Association Queensland
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